Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Beginning

First class of Drawing for Animation 1. I am currently in the Fundamentals of Drawing class. I'm personally glad I went into this class than Life Drawing as I have very, very little drawing experience and skill. So learning the fundamentals first would be the best for me.

The class started by drawing lines, circles, wavy lines, straight lines, ellipses etc.

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Click Image to Enlarge

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We continued to do blind contour drawings. Drawing things without looking down at the page. Along with this, we also did contour drawings of objects where the inner contours suggest its topography, and drawings of other items, such as bicycles and cars.

Click Image to Enlarge

As you may be able to tell from the previous drawings, I'm not that great at it. But I am eager to learn the fundamentals and get better as time goes on. I do hope I can show improvement in the weeks to come.

We were also asked to create some animated gifs:

Click Image to Enlarge

This gif is all about automatic lines. I'm actually not quite sure whether I've done this exercise correctly, but what I'm showing here are spontaneous marks which have turned into scenes of some sorts. (or at least some of them) The first few drawings were awkward for me, but the later ones felt better. They felt as though they actually look like something. I do believe you can tell the difference between the first 2 or 3, and the last few.

Click Image to Enlarge

As with this animation, I am attempting to make it look like water being interrupted by an object. I know it looks very simple, but as I cannot draw very well, I thought that using lines would be appropriate here. I worked on making the lines go up to the box, collide with it, then go around it. Around the 3rd or 4th frame, I made the water go up, onto the box, as if it was trying to get over it, then made the water go around after it has failed.

Edit - 15/04/14: 
Click Image to Enlarge

Here, we are to explore the variables of mark-making and generate three rows of line drawings which evoke or illustrate Rhythmic Patterns, Force, and Harmony to Discord. I had a bit of trouble with this, as I looked at it and thought that it looks quite repeated across the three feelings. But I do, on the other hand, think they do show the feelings described.

