Saturday, May 24, 2014


Worked on some metamorphosis this week. A few excercises, but it was interesting to do.

These two were from class. We had to draw the inbetweens of the lady and the pear. Drawing frame 3, then 2 and 4. These were done pretty basically, without any shading or extra detail etc.

This is my animation of metamorphosis going from a box, to a bird. It may be a bit simple, but I worked towards giving it more detail. I have also shaded the final image of the bird.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Synopsis: A man enters the bus on his way to a party. On the way there, The bus takes a wrong turn, and is suddenly teleported/wormholed to another dimension. The man, after coming to, drives the bus back through the wormhole, home.

I started by noting down my synopsis of the story, and proceeded to start my thumbnails. The story kind of changed halfway through. The man no longer drives the bus back through the wormhole, but instead runs through it to get back home.

After the thumbnails were completed, I worked on refining a few of them. Adding some detail and shading etc.