Thursday, April 17, 2014


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This lesson we were working on Perspective. 1 Point Perspective, 2 Point Perspective, and 3 Point Perspective. This image shows the first 3 types of perspectives, though the 3rd one I messed up. It will be seen in the next images. I've done a bit of perspective work in the past, so this stuff wasn't to hard to do. Also included in the above image, are the steps to get your page into exact thirds.

You draw the lines from the corner of the page to the opposite corner. Then use the cross section of those 2 lines to create a vertical line directly in the middle of the page. You then continue by using the top of that center line, and draw lines to the bottom corners of the page. The way you find the exact thirds of the page, is by doing those steps, then proceeding to use the cross section of Step 1, and Step 3 to find the thirds. This was really interesting to find out.

 Click Image to Enlarge

The above image is of a failed attempt at 3 Point Perspective. The reason I failed is that it looks distorted. The reason it looks so distorted is because the vanishing points were too close together, which creates the distorted look when you try to draw the box.

 Click Image to Enlarge

This is a better (working) version of 3 point perspective. I moved the vanishing points much further away from each other, and as a result, the box looks much better. :D

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This image is creating a shadow of a box. I can't remember how it works exactly, but you use the 2 coordinates to create the shadow, and determine how long the shadow is, and the angle of the shadow. 

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This took ages to complete. It's not the best, but I think it's good for somebody who is not a great drawer, so please give me a chance. I did this by basically drawing the outline of a single box, (you can still see bits of it) and then carved the buildings into it.



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