Friday, June 6, 2014

Life Drawing 1

First of all, just want to apologise for the orientation of all these images. Very tough to get them all nicely lined up side by side. Since there are so many, I did not want to do them all in a vertical line.

These images above are all in-class work. They consist of gesture drawings (10 seconds to 1 minute), and long pose drawing (5 mins to 30 mins usually). I had a really tough time with the gesture drawings. All I could really draw within 10 - 30 seconds were stick figures, and when I try to add some body mass into the equation, the drawing just starts to look bad. At this early stage of life drawing, I was just focused on drawing the outline or contour of the model. But in the later classes I will be working with different drawing utensils, and will be working towards shading and making it look more 3D.

These are just a couple of drawings of quick gestures of people I've seen while on the bus to uni. Somebody sitting down at a bench working on his laptop. One person walking down the street. Another person sitting on a bench, stretching. And finally a man waving towards the bus to hail it down.

A sequencial pose animation the model did for us. Each drawing was about 30 seconds or 1 minute, I cannot remember. It may look a bit weird, but that's what I got from the model.

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